What we do
The Parish Council is the first tier in local government, the tier closest to the people. The aim of the Parish Council is to listen to the views of the local people and take action to improve the quality of life for our community.
How we are funded
Each year the Parish Council sets a budget and applies to West Lancashire Borough Council for a Parish Precept. The precept is funded by residents through Council Tax payments. The Lathom South Parish Council precept for 2022-23 is £10,948.00. Due to how central Government finances Council Tax, a £406 Council Tax Support Grant along with £630 “Concurrent Grant” has also been received from WLBC (West Lancashire Borough Council) and a £500 Public Rights of Way (PROW) Grant from LCC (Lancashire County Council. Lathom South Parish Council historically uses the Concurrent Grant to pay for an annual litter pick in the Spring which removes litter from pavements and under hedges. PROW funding is used to maintain some public footpaths throughout the summer months.
Over the 4 years 2018 - 2021, we have also received some CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) payments totalling £119,047. CIL is a charge that local authorities can set on new developments to help fund local facilities and infrastructure to support the new homes and business in the area. The Parish Council receives a percentage of the CIL received by the Borough Council and so far this has come mainly from the “Lathom Pastures 1” (Bellway Homes) development off Firswood Road. CIL funding can only be used on certain projects and has to be spent within 5 years of receiving the payment or it has to be returned to the Borough Council. We were able to purchase Swells Wood with CIL funds and they are being used also to carry out essential works in Swells Wood and Jacobs Wood. We have also provided seating and security measures for Jacobs Wood; we featured Jacobs Wood in our Summer 2021 newsletter and you can read about Swells Wood in our Spring 2022 Newsletter by following the News Update tab.